About Me

Sister Helena of Mary, O.Carm

I am a Carmelite Sister for the Aged and Infirm. I have been in Religious life for twenty-eight years.  I am grateful to God for giving me my religious vocation and for sustaining me with His grace.  I love to share the treasures of my Catholic faith and is the reason why I blog.   I love history and enjoy visiting historical museums.  I love to listen to love songs because they remind me how much human love mirrors God's love for me.  I enjoy nature. I like simple things which sometimes borders on boring!   Carmel is my spiritual home and there is nowhere else on earth I'd rather be.  A nun  pointed out to me that "Helena" means light in Greek.  I was delighted since my religious name would mean "Light of Mary." I love that!

People always ask me why I became a Sister.  There is no direct answer but I have a simple one.  God drew me to Himself. It happened not by a bolt of lightning or a vision.  It was sown by my grandmother, nurtured by my experiences early on in life and the special people who loved me, and sustained by  God's grace.  As soon as I realized how much I was loved, there is no other way but to love Him back. Loving someone means giving that person everything of oneself.  It means exclusive love.  It's true with human love, it is true with our love for God.  The Blessed Virgin is key to my coming to Carmel.  She changed my life and gave it its direction.  She is my source of strength and confidence. My religious life is entrusted to her.  She makes me know and love her Son more.  The story of my life is a constant struggle, the dying and rising, to be faithful to Him, to my Spouse,  who first loved me.

One way of knowing more about me is to follow my blog.   I am what I write.  Sometimes funny, sometimes serious,  sometimes affectionate, and often Carmelite.  I am glad to be part of your life, even for just a short, passing time.