I never thought a day will come for me to have a root canal done! But there is a time for everything under the sun, as the author of Ecclesiastes says. And so today, in the pouring rain, I made my way to the dentist. Root canal has gotten a bad rap. The thought of it was more painful than the actual procedure. I barely felt anything! The only discomfort was the numbing effect of the anesthetic but other than that, it went well. Thanks be to God! I received a lot of advice from my friends on facebook, from words of comfort to words of caution. Now I can finally offer my own advice when the time comes for it to be solicited. Oh, what we'll do to save a tooth! The dentist was kind and capable and the receptionist was sweet. They really made the experience pleasant. Now I just have to get used eating on one side of my mouth until a new crown can be placed in two weeks. When the Saints counseled to offer everything for the love of God, I wonder if they meant root canal too? I hope this is a sacrifice pleasing to God for that is all I had to offer just for today!
I find that our Lord delights in even the smallest of offerings to Him, for they are not measured by their size but by the content of their love. What a joy to offer every intention for Him! Our days abound with opportunity for salvation.