Thursday, May 09, 2013

Heaven In Faith

35.  "God who is rich in mercy, impelled by His exceeding love, even when we were dead because of our sins, has brought us back to life in Christ Jesus..... " "Because all have sinned and have need of the glory of God, they are justified freely by His grace, through the redemption which is in Christ, whom God has set forth as propitiation for sins, showing both that he is just and that He makes just him who has faith in Him." (St. Paul).
"Sin is such a terrifying evil that in order to seek any good whatsoever, or to avoid any evil whatsoever, no sin should be committed." "Now we have committed very many."  How can we keep from "fainting in adoration when we plunge into the abyss of mercy and the eyes of our soul are fixed upon this fact:  God has taken away our sins."  He said to Himself:  "I will blot out all their iniquities and I will no longer remember their sins."  "The Lord in His mercy, willed to turn our sins against themselves to our advantage; He found a way to make them useful for us, to convert them into our hands into a means of salvation.  But do not let this diminish in any way our horror of sinning, nor our sorrow for having sinned.  But our sins "have become a source of humility for us."

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