Thursday, May 09, 2013

Heaven in Faith

33.  Christ said one day to the Samaritan woman that "the Father seeks true adorers in spirit and in truth."  To give joy to His heart, let us be these true adorers.  Let us adore Him in "spirit", that is, with our hearts and our thoughts fixed on Him, and our mind filled with His knowledge imparted by the light of faith.  Let us adore Him in "truth," that is, for our works for it is above all by our actions that we show we are true: this is to do always what is pleasing to the Father whose children we are.  And finally, let us "adore in spirit and truth," that is, through Jesus Christ and with Jesus Christ, for He alone is the true Adorer in spirit and in truth.

34.  Then we will be daughters of God; we will "know with an experiential knowledge the truth of these words of Isaiah: "You will be carried at the breast and He will caress you on His knees."  In fact "God seems to be wholly occupied with overwhelming the soul with caresses and marks of affection like a mother who brings up her child and feeds it with her own milk."  Oh! Let us be attentive to the mysterious voice of our Father!  "My daughter," He says, "give Me your heart."

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