Carmelites and devotees of St. Therese all over the world will be celebrating the feast of this popular saint tomorrow, October 1st. It is just fitting because she truly deserves it. She is a Saint for everyone. Who does not love Therese? There is something about her personality, her message and her counsels which appeal to both young and old. Our convent chapel looks lovely with flowers, especially with roses arranged in stem vases for the Sisters to receive tomorrow after being blessed. It is a wonderful feeling to know that this Saint is our sister in Carmel. She makes the Order really proud and challenges every one of its members to live up to the great vocation God has entrusted to us. St. Therese was my first friend in Carmel. It was our Lady of Mt. Carmel who inspired me to give myself to Jesus and it was Therese who gave me the insight and took me to the inner world of the land we call "Carmel." I identified with her longings and her prayers became mine. Like the whole multitude of little souls who love her, she showed me that with His limitless attributes, God is above all a Father.
Happy Feast everyone!
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